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(248) 667-7575
Join the Eco-Polish Team
We are looking for experienced flooring technicians to join the Eco-Polish team.
Email Address
Street Address
Street Address 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
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Full Time
Part Time
Temporary Help
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Select one...
If no, are you authorized to work in the US?
Select one...
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Select one...
If yes, please explain
Do you have any travel restrictions?
Do you have a valid Michigan Driver's License?
Select one...
If yes, Please enter your Driver's License number?
High school & City
Did you graduate?
Select one...
College or trade school & City
Did you graduate?
Select one...
If yes, Describe
Previous employer 1
Job title
Dates of employment
Job Responsibilities
Reason for leaving
Supervisor's name
Supervisor's Phone Number
May we contact your supervisor?
Select one...
Previous employer 2
Job title
Dates of employment
Job Responsibilities
Reason for leaving
Supervisor's name
Supervisor's Phone Number
May we contact your supervisor?
Select one...
Previous employer 3
Job title
Dates of employment
Job Responsibilities
Reason for leaving
Supervisor's name
Supervisor's Phone Number
May we contact your supervisor?
Select one...
Military experience (If applicable)
Dates of service
Rank at discharge
Type of discharge
If other than honorable, please explain
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
By agreeing to our terms, I certify that all of the information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that any misrepresentations or false information that I provide, either in this employment application or at any other time during the application and hiring process, may result in the disqualification of my application for employment or, if I am hired, in the immediate termination of employment at any point in the future.
I understand and agree that this employment application does not guarantee employment on any terms. I further understand and agree that, if I am hired, it will be on a strictly at-will basis, meaning that just as I am free to resign at any time, Eco-Polish has the right to terminate my employment at any time, with or without cause or prior notice. No implied oral or written agreements contrary to this at-will employment basis are valid unless they are in writing and signed by the President of Eco-Polish.
I understand that Eco-Polish may seek to verify any or all information listed above or otherwise provided by me during the application and hiring process. I hereby expressly authorize Eco-Polish to verify that information, without further notice to or consent by me, and I authorize prior employers and others from whom such verification is sought to release relevant information about me. I further authorize Eco-Polish to investigate all references and secure additional information about me.
By Clicking SUBMIT, I hereby release from liability Eco-Polish and its representatives for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing such information.
Eco-Polish is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Eco-Polish does not discriminate in employment and no question on this application is used for the purpose of limiting or excusing any applicant's consideration for employment on a basis prohibited by local, state or federal law.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.
Thank you! Your submission has been received! Our hiring manager will contact you if availability and eligibility permits.
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